organic products ?
Organic Agriculture
Main Principles |
- Use of natural manures
- Prohibition of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
- Animals fed with organic food
- Respect of seasonal cycles
- Rotation of land under cultivation
- Harvesting of plants when ripping
- Animals’ Respect
(access to open fields, preventive care with homeopathy)
How to recognize an organic product?
The AB logo is an official sign of quality !
Products which carry this logo have been elaborated according
to the production certification of organic agriculture. After
having carried out several controls, an independent certifying
organism (Ecosert sas, Qualité France…) delivers
an organic agriculture production certificate which allows
the producer to use the AB logo.
This official organic logo belongs to the French Ministry
of Agriculture and Fishing.
All Babynat products are certified according to AB standards
(except the Goat Milk and the “Vegetables and Wild Cod
Organic products are more expensive than others ?
Organic agriculture, request more space, more time and more
workforce than conventional agriculture. The outputs are less
important and the effect of that is sometimes an improvement
of the price for the consumer.
Moreover, organic agriculture is less subsidized than conventional
agriculture. In addition, this mode of production respect
the environment since the use of artificial fertilizers and
pesticides is prohibited. However, it is recognized that an
excessive use of these products pollutes the ground, the subterranean
waters and of surface. We have to keep in mind that the costs
of depollution are largely supported by the taxpayers. Last
but not least, we give generally more importance to an organic
product because we give him more value. Thus we do not waste
it and at the end of the day that enables us to consume better
and less. Ex: the organic bread keeps better, with more flavour,
which avoids the wasting.
What are the advantages of organic
products ?
The respect of our beautiful planet
The environment-friendly methods of the organic mode of exploitation
aim to preserve the environment and to protect the integrity
and quality of the grounds and the ground water.
Tasty products
Organic fruits and vegetables are cultivated without artificial
fertilizers and pesticides. Cultivated at the natural rhythm
of the seasons and collected when the ripe is reached, they
can restore all their taste, perfumes and nutritional properties.
Human wellbeing
Organic agriculture takes advantage, in a natural way, of
all the benefits of the ground and returns it to customers.
That is why Vitagermine focus on
organic agriculture.